The Cult Poster 26-07-1984

"This poster is from the very first Cult tour of America and it was a small club in Buffalo with the stage with brass railing that was sideways to the entrance door.
I remember being heckled a bit by some "straight" rock fan asking us to "play some rock n roll" hahahhaha I guess what we were doing in summer 1984 didn't quite appeal to him as it wasn't exactly AOR American radio rock... yet :-)
We did the show and then stayed up most of the night and I think me and Nigel went to a reggae club. In the morning we flew very early from Buffalo to Los Angeles (via JFK airport) and were pretty much a hot mess when we arrived. It wasn't that smart as we had a show at Perkins Palace in Pasadena THAT NIGHT......totally mental..."

Billy Duffy - January 2018

Courtesy of Mike Chauby