Me and Johnny Marr…

“Hey, I hope 2013 is going as well for you as it has been for me!

Last month saw the launch of my Signature Gretsch White Falcon Guitar which was a really proud moment especially when I was presented with a commemorative plaque by Fred Gretsch! The response to the guitar has been fantastic and I’m sure that if any of you become lucky enough to own one yourself you’ll agree with me that she’s a beauty!

The last couple of weeks I’ve been taking a vacation with some good friends in Miami and now I’m back in LA and working hard on writing new songs.
I’ve had quite a few people ask about when I’m going to be back out touring again with The Cult. Rest assured that there’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes getting this in place and as soon as there is some definite news you’ll see it on the official site, as well as here.

It’s also been great for me to see such a positive response to the launch of this site as well as my Facebook and Twitter pages. If you haven’t done so already it’s worth following me there too as ‘Team BD’ are making sure that there’s plenty of interesting stuff to see as well as exclusive news and pics that aren’t on this site.
I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the positive comments especially in regards to my ‘Memora-billy-a’ and stories and I’ll be looking to keep new ones coming on a regular basis.
With that in mind I’ve got a great one for you now! Back when I was in high school and rehearsing in my first band at my best mates house I met and became friends with Johnny Marr. We both had similar paths in life finding worldwide success as guitarists, me with The Cult and Johnny with The Smiths. Johnny has just released a brilliant new album. ‘The Messenger’ and to celebrate we’ve hooked up to reminisce on our careers and friendship in an interview exclusively for my site. You can read it here…

Take care and check back for more from me exclusively here @ very soon”

