The Cult set list 01-06-2001

Set list signed by the whole band for Patrick Lavoie in Montreal on June 1st 2001, and this is what happened;
“It was a "Musique Plus - Artiste du mois" show (Artist of the month) where fans could ask questions in between song segments. My question had been chosen and I was in the front row of the crowd. Afterwards we were taken upstairs for a meet and greet and that's when the setlist was signed... twice by Billy Morrison!
Billy Morisson had signed with a blue pen and then Billy Duffy signed right over with a black Sharpie (you can see the blue under "Duffy"). I went back to Billy M. and showed him what Billy D. had done so Billy M. immediately grabbed me by the arm and dragged over to see Billy D.
He then said, jokingly, I assumed, that this was proof that he never got any respect from Billy D. He asked for an apology but Billy D refused to give it. All with a good laugh!
It was very funny and memorable for me.”

Courtesy of Patrick Lavoie