This custom made ‘Strat’ style guitar is another recent addition to Billy’s collection and has already appeared on music by The Cult as he explains:
“Bill Nash, the owner and actual guitar maker is a friend of mine, and when I had the Esquire made I loved it so much that I thought it would be fun to get him make what we called its ‘Evil Twin’ but really it’s more of an ‘Evil Cousin’.
I don’t think he normally makes them in this finish but he did for me. We went for the same aesthetics and same paint finish as the Esquire, but in the Strat style to get some different sounds as a studio guitar. I also added a humbucking pickup in the bridge position, as I kind of like the fact that guitar players in the 1970s used to put Gibson pickups into Strats to give them a bit more ‘beef’.
I’m not known for playing a Strat and previously I’ve only ever owned one, and I sold that one to Johnny Marr. That was a bit of a mistake as it was a great guitar and he still has it. The Strat’s not a style of guitar that I’m comfortable playing live but in the studio once in a while they’re really useful. I actually used this one in the studio when I was recording ‘Lucifer’ on ‘Choice of Weapon’.
Nash guitars are great, Bill makes great guitars and loads of pro guys use them now.”
Billy Duffy – January 2013

Billy’s Relic S-57 headstock with Bill Nash dedication